The Main Squeeze Orchestra

Charita Patamikakorn

Charita was a little girl when Brooklyn was a scary place to live and everyone owned a gun. In fact, one night the Patamikakorn’s went for dinner at Junior’s in downtown Brooklyn, and the family accordion was stolen out of the car. Years later, after a decisive move to quit working for “the man” in order to become her own boss, she found herself with ample time on her hands which she wanted to fill with piano-playing. Needing portability, and feeling nostalgic about the past, she turned to the accordion, and since then it’s given her more joy than she’d ever expected.

Charita plays the seductive walnut beauty, the MainSqueeze 911. As Walter said, “Three of the best things that came out of the Czech Republic were beer i.e. the real Budweiser, machine guns, and accordions.”